
Average score 593 Reviews
Clara Cabrera noted on Google

11 days ago
D So noted on Google

12 days ago
Alexandra Kuntzer noted on Google

Restaurant qui ne paie pas de mine mais tout était vraiment très bon. Je peux le mettre dans mon trio des restaurants chinois. J'y ai mangé des aubergines craquantes à l'extérieur et tellement moelleuses à l'intérieur, et un goût, wouah. Et le porc piquant, un délice, la viande était juste méga tendre. Le bœuf croustillant était aussi super. (Translated by Google) Restaurant that doesn't look like much but everything was really very good. I can put it in my trio of Chinese restaurants. I ate eggplants there that were crunchy on the outside and so soft on the inside, and the taste was, wow. And the spicy pork, a delight, the meat was just super tender. The crispy beef was also great.

18 days ago
Laurent Schweingruber noted on Google

Endroit insolite et très bon accueil (Translated by Google) Unusual place and very warm welcome

20 days ago
Bluxtyd noted on Google

Très sympathique, très bons raviolis grillés. (Translated by Google) Very friendly, very good grilled ravioli.

22 days ago
gilberte girardet noted on Google

Accès facile, hors du grand trafic , ambiance calme....joli resto à l' ancienne....décos chinoises gaies. (Translated by Google) Easy access, out of the main traffic, calm atmosphere....nice old-style restaurant....cheerful Chinese decor.

25 days ago
Patrizia spadaro tracuzzi noted on Google

NAM continue tu fera beaucoup d heureux. Merci pour ta bonne humeur. Vive l amitié. (Translated by Google) NAM continue, you will make many people happy. Thank you for your good humor. Long live the friendship.

1 month ago
Manon Monnerat Landolt noted on Google

1 month ago
agata Oppizzi noted on Google

1 month ago
Sandy S. noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Very tasty Asian dishes. (Original) Sehr leckere asiatische Gerichte.

1 month ago

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