
Average score 593 Reviews
Leila Hoballah noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Ordered for the 2nd time and we enjoyed it. The stir-fried noodles, Sichuan-style eggplant and fried rice are excellent. In addition, the delivery was very fast. (Original) Commandé pour la 2nde fois et nous nous sommes régalé. Les nouilles sautés, les aubergine à la mode de sichuan et le fried Rice sont excellent. De plus, la livraison a été très rapide.

4 months ago
Natasha Gruman noted on Google

5 months ago
Stéphane V. noted on Reservation

Le repas était bon, mais nous aurions apprécié que les plats soient maintenus au chaud par des sous-plats chauffants.

5 months ago
Steve Clerc noted on Google

5 months ago
Lex Rodriguez noted on Google

(Translated by Google) top (Original) Top

5 months ago
Nika Pavić noted on Google

5 months ago
Laetitia C. noted on Click&Collect

Couverts demandés, malheureusement ils ont oublié.

5 months ago
Tomas noted on Google

6 months ago
eliott ness noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Excellent and fair price I recommend the udon, just delicious 😝 (Original) Excellent et prix correct Je conseille les udon, juste délicieuse 😝

6 months ago
忞熈 noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Love this chef's skills! If nothing else, I come here for the chef in this restaurant! (Original) 钟爱这位厨师的手艺! 不为别的,就为这家店的厨师而来!

6 months ago

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1018 Lausanne, Suisse

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