
Average score 593 Reviews
Oussama Belgacem noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Hello really they are professionals (Original) Bonjour vraiment ils sont des professionnels

7 months ago
Hamza Garsi noted on Google

7 months ago
Mamadou Diallo noted on Google

(Translated by Google) I come regularly (Original) Je viens régulièrement

7 months ago
Bobo Niakate noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Very good experience (Original) Tres bonne expérience

7 months ago
Aicha Hanine noted on Google

7 months ago
Jony Debnath noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Very good quality very tasty I recommend (Original) Très bonne qualité très savoureux je vous recommande

7 months ago
Raphaël Lucifora noted on Google

7 months ago
Virginie Amblet noted on Google

7 months ago
Jérôme Ingravallo noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Very nice discovery! 🎉 2 cuisines to discover - one Chinese for Europeans and the other Chinese for Chinese. Scan the qrcode at the table and discover the real flavors! ❤️ (Original) Très belle découverte! 🎉 2 cuisines à découvrir - une chinoise pour européens et l'autre chinoise pour chinois. Scannez le qrcode à la table et découvrez les vraies saveurs ! ❤️

7 months ago
Jiangning Wu noted on Google

(Translated by Google) The dishes are very good, the hairy blood is spicy but not spicy, and the ingredients are solid; the salt and pepper pig's trotters are soft and glutinous; the dry pot cabbage is delicious and crispy. The restaurant's decoration is retro and luxurious, with a Hong Kong flavor. It is really worth recommending. (Original) 菜品非常优秀,毛血旺辛而不辣,用料扎实;椒盐猪蹄软糯入味;干锅包菜鲜美爽脆。餐厅装修复古豪华,颇具港味,实在是值得推荐。

8 months ago

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